









从Walthamstow到Wembley,我们覆盖了整个伦敦。我们三个充满活力的社区,也是文化热地。 这里有美食、商店、地铁站。 这里满眼绿色,拥抱阳光、拥抱温暖。 这里是伦敦学生生活理想之地,如果你想在在伦敦的大学生活留下印记,这里是理想的选择。


沃尔瑟姆斯托和温布利来为你带来两全其美的体验:位于在大都市中的小镇。伦敦的学生公寓拥有蓬勃发展的空间。 这两个地点都可以轻松抵达热闹非凡的伦敦市中心,这里有你想要了解的一切,可以轻松享受更惬意的伦敦生活。

伦敦 London Walthamstow

每周 £ 289 起

从沃尔瑟姆斯托地铁站下车。你虽然身处伦敦的心脏地带,但又是另一番天地。这是一个满是绿叶仙境、独立商店、手工食品和街头艺术的地方,平和却充满活力。 充满文化气息。 它适合你。 你可以在这里度过美好时光,成就美好事物。 你甚至可以称它为“家”。


  • Blackhorse Road地铁站(Overground线 & Victoria 线) 步行1分钟
  • Blackhorse Road 高街 步行1分钟
  • Walthamstow湿地 步行11分钟
  • 伦敦都会大学 乘坐公共交通15分钟
  • UCL (Gower Street 校区) 乘坐公共交通20分钟


每周 £ 284 起


温布利拥有世界一流的足球,娱乐,购物,文化和餐饮场所。 这里生活多样化,充满活力和酷炫。你希望伦敦一切都在这里可以找到 ,这里有有足够的空间呼吸和放松,你可以专注思考,并以自己的方式传达你的故事。



  • 温布利Boxpark 步行3分钟
  • Wembley Park地铁站(Jubilee线 & Metropolitan 线) 步行4分钟
  • 温布利体育场 步行4分钟
  • 温布利UCFB 步行9分钟
  • 威斯敏斯特大学 乘坐公共交通20分钟

伦敦 Wembley Birch

2025 全新开放



  • 温布利Boxpark 步行1分钟
  • 温布利体育场 步行6分钟
  • Wembley Park地铁站(Jubilee线 & Metropolitan线) 步行7分钟
  • 温布利UCFB 步行10分钟
  • 威斯敏斯特大学 乘坐公共交通20分钟

A door to a world of possibilities

Don't just take our word for it

Reviews Wembley 1

The Canvas Wembley building has exceeded my expectations in terms of student accommodation. The newly-built site, perfectly located within the Wembley area and full of amenities truly served its purpose of being a home away from home. Other than being the newest and best-equipped, what differentiated the site from others, was the team - the people running the show. The Canvas Wembley team has shown that they would go above and beyond for their residents, always catering to the needs of all kinds of different people. I would highly recommend this accommodation!

Stayed at London Wembley

Canvas Walthamstow Review Image 2

I think the soundproofing here is very good, and I rarely hear any noise when trains are passing or when music is playing next door. The management team is on-site 24 hours a day, so I can always go down and ask for help. It's also relatively easy to get around, with the Victoria Line and the Overground getting me to central London in under 30 minutes.

Stayed at London Walthamstow

Canvas Walthamstow Review Image 1

The site is located at a very accessible area in between Walthamstow Central and Stratford, just perfect for people like me who visit these places often but don't want to be living surrounded by busy crowds. Most importantly the building is just right beside the Tube and Overground station, which directly connects to Central London. The site is well equipped and you get spacious rooms at affordable prices not often seen in London. Last but not least, a wonderful and friendly team gives support for any help we need, giving me the impression of being within a very cosy community and environment!

Stayed at London Walthamstow

A door to a world of possibilities

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